Asset Allocation: Where, When and Why?

Asset Allocation: Where, When and Why?

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Studies suggest that investors in financial assets are better off operating with a long term-horizon. A closer look, however, reveals that the long run is really no less uncertain than the short run; it’s simply a different kind of uncertainty.

Aside from that, most investors, whether institutional, corporate or private, are often restricted from taking the necessary long-term view. The course outlines the relevant considerations for both levels of decision, zooming in on how the business-cycle affects asset returns and how this be applied to practical investment decisions.

Watch this online class with Henrik Lumholdt of IE Business School, as he outlines how to:

• Establish a balance between strategic and tactical factors

• Understand the business-cycle and it’s affects on asset returns

• Apply the strategy to make the practical investment decisions 

About Presenter:

Henrik Lumholdt is an adjunt professor of economics and finance at IE Business School since 2001 and the founding partner of Inside Economics, a top-down financial consultancy. He was until recently the Chief Investment Strategist for Spain’s largest asset management company, BBVA AM. Previous positions include Chief Economist for Bank of America, Spain, Head of Fixed Income Research at FG/Merrill Lynch, and Senior Economist at Nordea Bank. Henrik has a keen interest in economics and its application to both finance and business in general. A member of the work group for international economics of Spain’s think tank, El Real Instituto Elcano, Henrik spends a considerable part of his professional time focused on international economies markets. He holds a B.Sc. Econ. and a M.Sc. Econ. from the Copenhagen School of Economics.

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