From Individual To Organization – Wide Learning (Digital Transformation)

From Individual To Organization – Wide Learning (Digital Transformation)

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Calling into question processes that perform well is never easy. But adopting an exploratory approach and trying out experimental methods is essential if you want to find new growth opportunities.

Continuous Improvement

Being able to seize and capitalize on opportunities is key. Promoting a culture of constant re-evaluation and working step by step on simple scenarios will minimize risks and reduce development costs as well as the time needed for each phase of the learning process.

Focusing solely on success does not encourage your teams to change how they work and behave. Creative organizations, on the other hand, are constantly learning. Each stakeholder learns from experience, celebrates success and does not sanction failure.

“I think this trial and error approach is fundamental. Failures are as important as successes because they allow you to test the limitations of an operation.  Striking a balance between operational efficiency and innovation is particularly difficult if you overestimate the potential of technology. PROFESSOR MARIE-HÉLÈNE DELMOND

Being innovative means entering uncharted territory. Leaders need the resilience to experiment, fail, adapt and optimize in all aspects of their work, in order to create an organization where learning is central.

Learning organization

Companies that are reluctant to invest in innovative projects may think that they are protecting their profit margins. But sooner or later, they will find themselves lagging behind new entrants, who are not afraid of rethinking processes and business models, and who are better prepared to adapt to the challenges of digital transformation..

“Innovation must be an integral part of company culture. All employees should have the opportunity to innovate and be creative in their daily activities.” PROFESSOR STÉPHANE MADOEUF

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HEC Paris
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HEC Paris

HEC Paris specializes in education and research in management sciences. As a leading academic institution in Europe and worldwide, HEC Paris offers a complete and unique range of education programs for students and executive education programs for leaders.

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