Classes BG

Customize Your Resume to Get Noticed

About the class

You’ve completed your resume and cover letter and you’re ready to blast it out – all you need to do is change the company name and click send, right?

WRONG. In today’s job market, a generic approach will land your resume in the recycle bin. You can’t expect busy employers to connect the dots between your experience and their needs – you have to sell yourself by showing that you “get it.” It’s crucial to demonstrate your professionalism from the get-go by crafting materials that show you’ve done your research, understand your target audience, and know how you can add value.

About the Presenter

Over the last decade, Johanna has helped many people, from Fortune 500 executives to recent college graduates, transition to the next phase of their professional development. Johanna helps both professionals and students identify and communicate their unique skills and talents and create action plans that effectively position them to achieve their career and/or academic objectives.

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