Classes BG

Reverse Engineer Your Job Search

About the class

You know it's time to find a new job because you're no longer engaged or challenged in your current one.

You want more fulfillment and to make a bigger impact. However, that may mean you aren't going to be fully qualified for your next job - which is a good thing! It sounds surprising, but if you look for a job that you are 100% qualified to do you will soon be.bored and disengaged again.

Kelly Studer shares her approach to defining your dream job and then getting hired to do it. Her formula may even enable you to co-create your next job with your future hiring manager.

About the Presenter

Kelly Studer is a Career Stylist who coaches ambitious, career-minded professionals through the career transition process as well as define and develop their personal brand, ultimately resulting in obtaining more sustainable success, fulfillment, and happiness in their career. She leads workshops on negotiating (for women) and regularly speaks on the topics of professional image, networking, and job search strategy.

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